Book Review: The Power of Ownership

I have the privilege of being invited by Daniel Decker to be on the launch team  for Justin Roethlisberger’s new book. It will be available to the public on April 24th.

After decades of research, advising professional sports teams and Fortune 500 companies, a personal health crisis led Justin to use his methods on himself.

Our society is geared to breakdown and illness, rounds of doctor visits, medicines, and protocols that treat symptoms but do not cure. This is average expectation for most people.  Justin challenges us to leave average behind and choose to be different. He believes that the majority of chronic illnesses could be prevented by establishing consistent, long-term, positive habits and behavior change.

In my own book, Musings Along Life’s Journey,  I shared my foray into getting healthy and my frustration with conflicting advice from experts. I concluded that there is no plan that works for me and you, but we should seek the Lord and experiment with things to see what works for each individual.

Justin gives a framework to build on in order to do this. A challenge he offers on page 198 is, “Allow your body to be the guide – not the study you weren’t involved in, or advice from an expert who doesn’t know you or have context into your life. Empower yourself and be your own study.”

As I began reading, I was skeptical of the spiritual end of his writing.  In the final chapter, Justin reveals his spiritual habits of Bible reading and prayer and uses Scripture that begin a chapter for the first time. I do not fault him since it probably makes the book more appealing to others.

One spiritual theme he touched on throughout the book is that fear is a killer. Throughout the Bible, we are encouraged to not fear or be anxious. The Lord knows how we were made, and He knows we can not live in fear and thrive. Another scripture brought to my mind as Justin talked about sleep is:

Psalm 127:2 It is vain for you to rise up early,
To sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows;
for so He gives His beloved sleep

I have gained tools to get better sleep. Also, a better way to eat. Justin suggests eating vegetables first, protein second, and carbs last at a meal, which helps your body assimilate the food better. He also recommends a 5- minute walk after a meal.

After reading the digital copy, I eagerly await my print copy of this book. I recommend it as a framework for learning to live your best life, all for God’s glory!

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