Book Review: The Power of Ownership

I have the privilege of being invited by Daniel Decker to be on the launch team  for Justin Roethlisberger’s new book. It will be available to the public on April 24th.

After decades of research, advising professional sports teams and Fortune 500 companies, a personal health crisis led Justin to use his methods on himself.

Our society is geared to breakdown and illness, rounds of doctor visits, medicines, and protocols that treat symptoms but do not cure. This is average expectation for most people.  Justin challenges us to leave average behind and choose to be different. He believes that the majority of chronic illnesses could be prevented by establishing consistent, long-term, positive habits and behavior change.

In my own book, Musings Along Life’s Journey,  I shared my foray into getting healthy and my frustration with conflicting advice from experts. I concluded that there is no plan that works for me and you, but we should seek the Lord and experiment with things to see what works for each individual.

Justin gives a framework to build on in order to do this. A challenge he offers on page 198 is, “Allow your body to be the guide – not the study you weren’t involved in, or advice from an expert who doesn’t know you or have context into your life. Empower yourself and be your own study.”

As I began reading, I was skeptical of the spiritual end of his writing.  In the final chapter, Justin reveals his spiritual habits of Bible reading and prayer and uses Scripture that begin a chapter for the first time. I do not fault him since it probably makes the book more appealing to others.

One spiritual theme he touched on throughout the book is that fear is a killer. Throughout the Bible, we are encouraged to not fear or be anxious. The Lord knows how we were made, and He knows we can not live in fear and thrive. Another scripture brought to my mind as Justin talked about sleep is:

Psalm 127:2 It is vain for you to rise up early,
To sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows;
for so He gives His beloved sleep

I have gained tools to get better sleep. Also, a better way to eat. Justin suggests eating vegetables first, protein second, and carbs last at a meal, which helps your body assimilate the food better. He also recommends a 5- minute walk after a meal.

After reading the digital copy, I eagerly await my print copy of this book. I recommend it as a framework for learning to live your best life, all for God’s glory!

August Update

Well, tomorrow is the day I have my first public outing with my book! My friend Pam is assisting me. We will have a table at the Henderson Heritage Day, so if you can, join us between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., we’d love to see you.



Update of an Update: The inclement weather forecast for Saturday, August 12th, in Henderson, NY, has caused a cancelation of the Heritage Day activities. BUT the Henderson Museum and the Peters Stevenson Antique Boat Annex, located next door, will be open from 9a.m. to 3 p.m. join us for the silent auction, local authors signing and selling their books, and the pie ladies coming to sell their pies.

In other news, John and I are enjoying blessing others with our garden’s abundance. Everything is outdoing itself, and I took a 5 gallon pail full of green beans to give away at last weekend’s church services. There was even enough for people who attended our new Spanish service on Sunday afternoon, and our pastor’s wife found some left during the week, which she took to bless someone else! This photo is just about a quarter of the pickings from a few days before last weekend. It’s taken me up to two hours to fully pick our bean plants!

What a joy it’s been to give things away this summer ☀️ All things come from the hands of our loving Father in heaven. No matter what your current circumstances are, you have been given something to give away, even if it’s just a kind word. We are truly blessed to be a blessing. I give thanks continually to our wonderful Lord and Savior for the opportunity to receive and then give.

Photo by cottonbro on

As my brother and his wife are facing challenging times, I am contemplating with the Spirit what a perfect solution might look like. I remember my grandfather, who I never consciously knew due to dementia. My grandmother took things in stride, caring for him at home until she found him dead. He was in his favorite chair, his hand atop his faithful Irish setter, Rusty, with his pipe in the standing ashtray on his other side.

My aunt and her family from Kansas spent a couple of years living there, which was an immense help when Grandma needed cataract surgery. My other aunt was close by. We visited a couple of times a year, and so did my uncle and his family.

It was another time, another place. Now, my brother and his wife have an aid come several days a week, a social worker that keeps tabs on them both. A couple of neighbors are helping when they can, but it’s not a good situation. Nursing home placement is looming.

My brother is used to doing a lot of walking, helping other people, and having intelligent conversations. His wife is content sitting in bed most of the day and using her phone and tablet. He seems to be declining mostly for lack of stimulus and erratic sleeping schedules. Being on disability, basically a ward of the state, there are few options.

Photo by Sarah Trummer on

These ideas are forming in my thoughts: What if there’s a family, a couple, or a widow that could take them into their home? A loving, godly atmosphere where they could be taken care of, have family meals, interact with others, or be alone for a bit as needed? A garden they could help with, some place safe for my brother to take a walk…

There was a time when family would take in family members, and there was a time when multiple generations lived together or close by. Is it possible to find a new way to create a solution other than a nursing home? Other than a person/couple living in an inadequate situation, spending our tax dollars? Can we find a way to identify those who would welcome others like my brother and his wife, bring them into their home, both sides of the equation benefitting from being together? What do you think?

Part of these thoughts were inspired by a story I heard about The Little Sisters, Disciples of the Lamb, located in the French countryside, whose members were all born with Downs syndrome. A few ‘normal’ sisters live with them to help. I read about this in the recent issue of ProLife Newsletter of Northern New York. You can find this at:

I leave you to ponder how we can be the hands and feet of Jesus right where we are, using what God has given us to bless those around us. Lord, open our eyes to do the things that may be hidden from us. Amen.

Oh, my book can now be purchased at The Little Bookstore in Clayton, NY, where you can pay by card instead of cash or check. Also, please don’t try to buy my book on until they get things settled with the business after the passing of my publisher. You may buy it from me, since I always have a few copies with me, or I can mail you one if you contact me with your address.

Random April Musings

Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:1

Stand fast… stedfast… half of this year’s word God gave me to concentrate on for 2023. Cara Whitney points out that wild horses seem to be free, but horses need help from humans to survive. Humans living without Jesus think they’re living free, but looking for love and provision in all the wrong places is not freedom. Knowing Christ frees us from the law of sin, death, and lack. God’s freedom offers us what we long for: unconditional love, purpose, and meaning. The yoke of Jesus is light, freeing, easy when you walk with him. Our adversary, the devil, is a hard taskmaster. Our selfish, fleshly nature is no better. Let’s surrender daily to our Lord and walk in true freedom.

‘Wild Horses’ pages 220-221 Cara Whitney from Unbridled Faith

9. For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, 10. who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him.

11. Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing. 1Thessalonians 5:9-11

Uta Milewski titled today’s devotion, Courage. God sad he’s done his part, so whether we live or die, we live together with Jesus. Praying in the Spirit builds us up so we can encourage each other. Praying in tongues, even for a short while each day, results in big change over time. Join in and see how you will become a source of courage for others, participating in the Kingdom of God. This explains what’s happening in my life these days!

12. Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. 13. But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. 2Timothy 3:12-13

As I’ve said, my first book, Musings Along Life’s Journey, is available for purchase. It is not without persecution… let me explain. I have been working with my publisher and librarian to schedule a date to promote my book. The date has changed three times, my book printing being delayed. My books came in God’s Kairos time, my second word for 2023. This brought the first snag, not enough time for the library trustee board to read my book before promoting the event. I immediately signed a book for each of the 9 trustees, thanking them for being my pre-readers. I checked in with the librarian about a week later to set another date. She said she’s not gotten my book to all the trustees yet. Also, she is not allowed to use the library name for any promotional materials if it’s a Christian book or church event. I could see if the person scheduling the community room would let me schedule, then she could do the promotion without the library name on it.

The second glitch was that my Facebook account got scammed, and when I tried to log in, the password I’d recently changed, due to another scam, was rejected. After going through Facebook security measures, I was totally locked out. So, I made a new page. In my first post, I told how privileged I was having my Facebook scammed and blocked just when I was promoting my Christian book. Several people commented, giving links to use to unlock my original account. My so, Chris, messaged me not to click on any of them, they’re scams! So, if you’re friends with me on Facebook and get a friend request from me, it’s legit! Look for the selfie of me with Joyce from Tanzania on the profile.

I’ve been playing phone tag with my publisher, Sabrina Adams, for a week. I finally got her on the phone. She’s in the hospital, and they’ve found cancer has spread throughout her body. Last week, she told me that on the way to her treatment for the first cancer, she was ready to give up. In a vision, God told her she had two choices. He could end this and take her to heaven, or he had a mandate for her to start a publishing company named Zoe Life and publish Christian books for His glory. We’ll, you know which she chose. In the middle of publishing my book, her breast cancer was reoccurring, and she had a radical mastectomy. She refused chemo but agreed to radiation. She went for treatments for about a month, but chose to quit because it was taking so much out of her. Join me in praying for a miracle, complete restoration of her health!

For such a time as this! Keep tuning in to my musings, I will be making dates for signing events and will keep you posted. You can purchase my book, Musings Along Life’s Journey, at, and if it still says, “Coming Soon,” ignore it because you can still order my book there.

Jesus paid it all! His precious blood is still available. Let us appropriate it!

He Established The People’s Boundaries… New Date

Deuteronomy 32:8 When the Most High assigned lands to the nations, when he divided up the human race,
he established the boundaries of the    peoples according to the number in his heavenly court. [NLT]

Heavenly portals in gathering darkness

Signs in the heavens, God’s billboard. In the gathering darkness, I saw heavenly portals open in the clouds. Forgive the reflection of the truck dashboard lights in the photo. The veil between heaven and earth is becoming increasingly thin; Pastor Josh saw the glory cloud descend on our congregation at church Saturday evening.

Many people are moving and relocating these days. Maybe, like I am, things are shifting around and changing within your home. I believe God is shifting souls into place to line up with the plans He has for this new era we are in. Bounaries are being realigned and expanded, as in the popular “Prayer of Jabez”. Moving can be adventurous, overwhelming, and exciting, kind of like the road in the photo below.

Photo from Pixels

1 Chronicles 4:10 And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested

As things change in the natural, they’re also changing in the spiritual. Great spiritual hunger is being filled with false and demonic spirits, but those seeking the will of God in Jesus Christ shall find true spiritual life and peace. We must become mature in our faith, setting ourselves up to keep Jesus in our focus and growing in the things of God. This is the time to rise up as manifest children of God and do the works He’s planned for us. This means keeping close connection with Jesus and stepping out in faith and love. As we spread His light in the dark places, we shall bring hope and healing to many.

As for my book publishing, I have done the final read through. As soon as Sabrina calls today and we settle on the changes, the actual publishing shall commence. Musings Along Life’s JourneyVignettes From The Road, is already on the Zoe Life website as “coming soon”. The new date for my reveal and book signing is Saturday, April 15th.

You Are Invited: What: the book debut & author signing Musings Along Life’s Journey When: Saturday, April 15th, 2023, Time: 11am to 1pm Where: Henderson Community Room, Henderson, NY

A Peek at My Book & an Invitation

Welcome Readers! My book publishing is moving right along. I’m leaving for Tanzania next Tuesday, so I won’t get the proof copy to prevue before I get back on the 22nd. BUT! We have a date for the debut, Saturday, March 18th at the Henderson Free Library. My publisher, Sabrina Adams of Zoe Life Publications, will be here and her daughter may also come with her. It looks like an informal time to share my book, sign your copy, and Sabrina and I will talk about what it takes to publish a book these days. So, you’re invited to come see the debut of my first published memoir, Musings Along Life’s Journey. Stay tuned for more details and other times you can meet me in person. Plans to be at The Little Bookstore in Clayton, NY and at the Henderson Heritage Day in July are shaping up.

Here is a small excerpt from the book. Note: this is from my manuscript and not the formatted book. Sorry, the photos of my granddaughters will not be in the book.

Becoming as a Child

I have been contemplating what it means to become as a little child. What did Jesus mean when He said that?

Matthew 18:2-4

2 Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, 3 and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Now I’d like to talk about becoming as a child. What does this really mean? Jesus doesn’t say to become ‘childish’, but to become like a child. A child is trusting, believes that their Daddy has what they need and what’s best and will give them what they ask for. I’ve heard and can see: the biggest sin in the church today is unbelief. If we pray and don’t believe God is willing and able to answer those prayers, we are in unbelief. We serve a prayer hearing, prayer answering God. Let’s take Him at His word.

 I want to share this quote from K.P. Yohannan’s book Never Give Up; The Story of a Broken Man Impacting a Generation.

“All that is needed to be said [in defending God’s existence] is God is the Creator and we are His creation, and we as believers don’t ask God to prove Himself to us. We are like little kids. We don’t ask our mother and father if they are our parents-we are their children, and they are our parents, and that’s it-period!”

I found the two-way journal with the Lord that I wrote in from October 2019-July 2020. This is part of what the Lord told me on April 7th that goes with what I shared above.

Emmanuel-God is with you-I made you and love you for eternity! Yes, dance with Me and sing and laugh, it’s true you need to let go and trust Me as a child. Joy in the little things, trust in the big things. Behold, I do a new thing, it is marvelous in all eyes!

I hope you are encouraged and look forward to meeting many in person over the next year! Be blessed and be a blessing. May you prosper and have abundance to give away to those who need that God brings into your life. Yes, it may be as simple as a smile or a kind word! Shalom, dear readers, until next time. Oh, I leave for Tanzania on February 7th so I’m not sure what access I’ll have to write while I’m gone, we’ll see!